日本産ヒメバチ目録 − Campopleginae チビアメバチ亜科

Hyposoter Förster, 1869

Type species: Limnerium (Hyposoter) parorgyiae Viereck, 1910; desig. by Viereck, 1910

Rhythmonotus Förster, 1869; syn. by Townes, 1970

Type species: Rhythmonotus singularis Schmiedeknecht, 1909; incl. by Schmiedeknecht, 1909

Ischnoscopus Förster, 1869

Type species: Ischnoscopus synchlorae Ashmead, 1898; incl. by Ashmead, 1898

Ameloctonus Förster, 1869

Type species: Banchus fugitivus Say, 1835; desig. by Viereck, 1914

Ebiicha Seyrig, 1935

Type species: Ebiicha croccata Seyrig, 1935; original designation

Neozachresta Havrylenko & Winterhalter, 1949

Type species: Neozachresta havrylenkoi Havrylenko & Winterhalter, 1949; monobasic

Neoarthula Rao, 1953

Type species: Neoarthula pierisae Rao, 1953 (= Campoplex ebeninus Gravenhorst, 1829); original designation

Hyposoter takagii (Matsumura, 1926) マツケムシヤドリチビアメバチ

Casinaria takagii Matsumura, 1926: 28; 韓国; マツカレハ

Rhythmonotus takagii: Uchida, 1928: 279; 本州,韓国; マツカレハ

Rhythmonotus takagii: Hayashi, 1933: 1291, 1292, 1293; 本州; オビカレハ

Rhythmonotus takagii: Kamiya, 1933: 128; 本州,九州; マツカレハ,オビカレハ

Rhythmonotus takagii: Iwata, 1958: 72; 香川

Hyposoter takagii: Townes, Townes & Gupta, 1961: 242

Hyposoter takagii: Minamikawa, 1969: 225; 茨城(鹿島),東京(目黒); マツカレハ

Hyposoter takagii: Kamijo, 1977: 198; 北海道(北見); ツガカレハ

Hyposoter takagii: Kawanishi, 1980: 388-393; 愛知(名古屋); マツカレハ

Hyposoter takagii: Gupta, 1983: 76; 日本,中国,朝鮮半島; マツカレハ,オビカレハ

Hyposoter takagii: Kusigemati, 1987: 3; 北海道(札幌),鹿児島; オビカレハ


寄主:Dendrolimus spectabilis マツカレハ, Dendrolimus superans ツガカレハ, Lymantria dispar マイマイガ, Malacosoma neustria オビカレハ

Hyposoter ventralis (Walker, 1874) キグチチビアメバチ

Sagaritis ventralis Walker, 1874: 307; 日本

Sagarites ventralis: Uchida, 1928: 278; 本州

Anilastus ventralis: Uchida, 1940: 114; 本州

Hyposoter ventralis: Townes, Momoi & Townes, 1965: 302


Hyposoter vierecki Townes, Momoi & Townes, 1965

Campoplex (Diadegma) japonicus Viereck, 1912: 636; 日本; preoccupied by Cameron (1906)

Hyposoter vierecki Townes, Momoi & Townes, 1965; new name

Hyposoter vierecki: Gupta, 1983: 77; 北海道(上富良野,穂別),浅川(?); マイマイガ


寄主:Lymantria dispar マイマイガ


Gupta VK (1983) The Ichneumonid parasites associated with the gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar). Contributions to the American Entomological Institute, 19(7): 1-168.

上條一昭 [Kamijo K] (1977) 北海道北見地方におけるツガカレハの大発生. XIII. 寄生性昆虫. 森林防疫 [Forest Pests], 26 (12): 198-199.

Kawanishi M (1980) Annual cycle of parasitism on the pine moth by an ichneumonid parasite. Journal of the Japanese Forestry Society, 62 (10): 388-393.

Matsumura S (1926) On the five species of Dendrolimus injurious to conifers in Japan, with their parasitic and predaceous insects. Journal of the College of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, 18: 1-42.

Townes HK, Momoi S & Townes M (1965) A catalogue and reclassification of the eastern Palearctic Ichneumonidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, No.5: 1-661.

Uchida T (1928) Zweiter Beitrag zur Ichneumoniden-Fauna Japans. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, 21: 177-297.

Viereck HL (1912) Contributions to our knowledge of bees and Ichneumon-flies, including descriptions of twenty-one new genera and fifty-seven new species of Ichneumon-flies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 42 (1920): 613-648.

Walker F (1874) Descriptions of some Japanese Hymenoptera. Cistula Entomologica, 1: 301-310.