日本産ヒメバチ目録 − Ichneumoninae ヒメバチ亜科 > Platylabini

Cyclolabus Heinrich, 1935

Type species: Platylabus nigricollis Wesmael, 1845; original designation

Cyclolabus convexus (Uchida, 1956) チビマルアナヒメバチ

Ectopius convexus Uchida, 1956: 73; 兵庫(篠山)

Ectopius convexus: Iwata, 1958: 69; 京都(鞍馬山)

Ectopius convexus: Iwata, 1960: 140; 京都(北山)

Cyclolabus convexus: Townes, Momoi & Townes, 1965: 513

Cyclolabus convexus: Nagase, 2008: 5; 神奈川(横浜市円海山地域)


Cyclolabus marginalis (Uchida, 1936)

Ectopius marginalis Uchida, 1936: 143; 択捉島

Cyclolabus marginalis: Townes, Momoi & Townes, 1965: 514



Iwata K (1958) Ovarian eggs of 233 species of the Japanese Ichneumonidae (Hymenoptera). Acta Hymenopterologia, 1: 63-74.

Iwata K (1960) The comparative anatomy of the ovary in Hymenoptera, Part V. Ichneumonidae. Acta Hymenopterologia, 1: 115-169.

Townes HK, Momoi S, Townes M (1965) A catalogue and reclassification of the eastern Palearctic Ichneumonidae. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, No.5. 661 pp.

Uchida T (1936) Erster Nachtrag zur Ichneumonidenfauna der Kurilen. Insecta matsumurana, 10: 135-146.

Uchida T (1956) Neue oder bisher unbekannte Ichneumoniden aus Japan und seinen Umgegenden (I). Insecta matsumurana, 20: 57-76.